Marriage Equality is good for business

AME_CorpsupportMarriage equality advocates have highlighted the benefits to companies of supporting the reform following media reports that Telstra has backed away from its support.

“Marriage equality is good for businesses because it will foster more inclusive workplaces, send a positive message to customers, help recruitment of skilled workers from overseas and boost Australia’s international reputation,” said Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome. “This is why 870 Australian businesses have backed the reform.”

Mr Croome welcomed a statement from Telstra confirming its support for marriage equality but expressed concern that opponents of reform have said they will “target” supportive businesses during a plebiscite campaign.

“I am deeply concerned about what form ‘targeting’ may take and see this as another argument for why we should not have a plebiscite on marriage equality,” said Mr Croome. “Australian Marriage Equality has always respected whatever stance businesses choose to take on the issue.”

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Image: courtesy of Australian Marriage Equality