Gandel Philanthropy supports Next Generation Pride at the Victorian Pride Centre

Alvi Ahmed, taken for the Victorian Pride CentreToday (Sunday 17 May) on International day against homophobia, biophobia, intersexism and transphobia (IDAHOBIT), the Victorian Pride Centre has announced that Gandel Philanthropy have generously provided a grant of $130,000 for the Centre’s Next Generation Pride. Gandel Philanthropy is one of several key philanthropic partners of the Pride Centre.

Next Generation Pride is an initiative that will see young people engaged to create welcoming, fun and safe spaces within the Pride Centre, brought to life with youth driven programming. The Pride Centre will work with Australia’s preeminent LGBTIQ youth focused service and Centre tenant, Minus18 to ensure the project meets its objectives.

A key mission of Gandel Philanthropy is to provide support to those most vulnerable in the community. The Next Generation Pride project will directly address the need for young LGBTIQ people to have access to a safe and supportive place with strong peer community support networks.

“Research shows that young LGBTQI people continue to experience discrimination and many face family or social rejection that can lead to lifelong mental health and wellbeing repercussions,” said Vedran Drakulic, CEO Gandel Philanthropy.

“Enabling them to have safe and supportive places in VPC, with strong peer and community support networks, is one way of helping them overcome those challenges. Gandel Philanthropy is proud to be among three leading philanthropic organisations to support the VPC and enable the Next Generation Pride initiative”

The Pride Centre, due to open later this year, will strengthen, resource, and catalyse community by providing a unique resource for LGBTIQ young people and the children of LGBTIQ people. The Centre will be the first purpose-built space in Victoria dedicated to providing opportunities for youth to actively engage with peers, mentors and leaders from across the LGBTIQ community. It will allow young people to access fully inclusive services all in one place and be a meeting place for many clubs, societies and sporting groups.

“I want to thank Gandel Philanthropy for showing its commitment to making the Pride Centre a welcoming, and joyous place for young people,” said Jude Munro AO, Victorian Pride Centre Chair. “Gandel Philanthropy is the first of the major philanthropists to fund a project dedicated to young LGBTIQ people through consultation with young members of our community, programming and assisting in the fit out and furniture of spaces dedicated to use by young LGBTIQ people.”

For more information about the Victorian Pride Centre, visit: for details.

Image: Alvi Ahmed, taken for the Victorian Pride Centre

Source: Victorian Pride Centre