Our politicians return to Parliament today – a perfect opportunity to decide LGBTI couples are equal under the law. But they won’t unless we make them by taking action to keep marriage equality at the top of the political agenda.
So, that is exactly what our movement is going to do every sitting week until all Australians can marry the person they love. This sitting week there are three things you can do:
1. Send a strong message to your MP now – make sure each politician knows how many voters believe in equality.
Getting marriage equality through the Parliament is now a numbers game. The more people who contact their MPs with honest, personal and persuasive messages, the closer we get to Parliament allowing a vote.
Liberal and National MPs need to hear that it is time to allow a conscience vote on marriage equality. Labor, Greens and other MPs need to hear they must keep asking the Government to allow a vote to be put to the Parliament.
2. Chip-in to keep marriage equality on the air with our politically targeted advert.
Politicians from all sides have told us that seeing our ad on TV, billboards and in airports across the country has increased the pressure they feel to hold a vote. And it has struck a chord with Australia, with over twenty thousand new supporters signing up, contacting their MP and increasing the call for equality.
We have booked new advertising space, but we are still short of our fundraising target. Can you chip in to keep the people-powered advert on the air?
3. Make some noise on social – let’s reach more Australians with our equality message and keep the pressure on our Parliament.
Over 100,000 new supporters have joined the campaign for marriage equality since October. This has been noticed in the halls of Parliament! The more we grow, the more power we have to affect change.
Ask your friends and family to add their name and stand with us! Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. If we take action together, we can make marriage equality a reality. It’s time for our politicians to do their jobs.
For more information, visit: www.equalitycampaign.
Image: courtesy of the Equality Campaign