Adelaide Fringe calls for 2021 Poster Design

Australian-Pride-Network-Adelaide-Fringe-PostersThe Adelaide Fringe Poster Design competition is officially open for the 2021 edition. Artists, creatives, illustrators and designers from Australia and across the globe have until 12 July to submit their best and most creative artwork and ideas for the iconic annual competition.

Adelaide Fringe Director and CEO Heather Croall said judges would be looking for a poster design that captured the transformational power of the Adelaide Fringe. “Adelaide Fringe is a huge explosion of colour and creativity for all to experience,” she said.

“Across February and March, Adelaide puts on its best face with the magic of Fringe – it’s a time that makes our hearts sing. The impact of the Fringe is deeply felt by all who attend. The COVID pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty for people; arts and creativity are now more important than ever. Fringe feeds the soul for us all and breathes light into dark times.”

Entry for the poster design competition is free and open to everyone. Poster designs need to demonstrate flexibility in a number of different ways, including being reproduced in a range of sizes, formats and black and white.

The winning artwork, which will be used as the cover of the Fringe guide and across merchandise, posters, program booklets, signage and box offices, will be announced later this year. A $3000 cash prize, plus free registration to stage an event or exhibition at Fringe 2021, is awarded to the winning design.

“Fringe time is unlike any other,” Ms Croall said. “We are on the lookout for artwork that captures the love and pride that people have for the Fringe, a design that celebrates the transformation of the city to make it the best time of the year.”

Previous Adelaide Fringe poster design competition winners have included Bronwyn Platten, Matthew Clarke, Driller Jet Armstrong, Sue Ninham, Pro Hart and Jonathon Oxlade.

The Adelaide Fringe 2021 Poster Design competition is now open. Entries close Sunday 12 July 2020 at 11:59pm. For more information and to enter, visit: for details. The 2021 Adelaide Fringe Festival will be held from 19 February to 21 March.

Image: Compilation of Adelaide Fringe Posters (supplied)