Oozing Future returns Strange Chaos to Adelaide Fringe this March

Oozing-Future-Strange-ChaosTalk of the festival in 2023, Strange Chaos by Oozing Future returns to Adelaide Fringe in March for a limited season of spectacular punk-rock clowning.

Set in a suburban backyard, and played in the headlights of a broken down Ute, Mitch Jones once again demonstrates why he is the enfant-terrible of Australian circus – going where others wouldn’t dare, to create truly alternative “fringe” theatre.

Informed by Jones’ work with the renowned European clowns of Slava’s Snowshow, his stint with Circus Oz, and an 18 year career as a circus daredevil and sideshow artist, Strange Chaos collects these influences into a compelling and unexpectedly poignant tale of personal responsibility.

Inspired by Jones’ journey of becoming a young father at just 23 years old, the show uses visual poetry and surreal humour to explore issues of men’s mental health in ways that are original and compelling.

Moments of uncommon beauty flower within an immersive, promenade performance that leads the audience off a suburban street, down an alleyway and through a fence into a punk-rock wonderland – the Haus of Ooze!

This venue, purpose built for the show, takes the punk tradition of putting on DIY gigs in found spaces, and mixes it with the carny magic of Oozing Future’s alt-circus.

Alongside the narrative clowning which threads the work together, Strange Chaos showcases Jones’ impressive feats of physical skill, and others of extreme endurance – from balancing an egg on a chopstick on his nose, to lifting a bowling ball with his private parts, this show really has it all!

Emerging circus artist Chloe Fazikas plays the masked ghost who appears silently at Jones’ shoulder as he struggles through the chaos he has created, and in a stunning reveal she rounds out the show with a balletic display of hula hoops and hand balancing.

In a final touch of charm, Strange Chaos closes with the audience waltzing arm in arm with the performers on stage, embracing the wonder as they dance off into the night.

This will be a highlight of the Fringe Festival for anyone with a taste for the alternative and the unusual – so adventure down the alleyway and into the world of Oozing Future!

“In true Fringe spirit this show lives up to its name – strange, yes, bizarre and bordering on chaos, but with touches of a clown’s simplicity.” – The Clothesline

Original Creators: Mitch Jones and Masha Terentieva | Featuring: Mitch Jones and Chloe Fazikas | Outside Eye: Jacob Williams | Venue Designer: Aaron Taylor | Company Manager: Nyree Camden | Props: Al Oldfield and Mitch Jones

Strange Chaos
Haus of Ooze, North Adelaide*
Season: 6 – 16 Match 2025
Bookings: www.adelaidefringe.com.au

For more information, visit: www.oozingfuture.com for details.

Image: Oozing Futures presents Strange Chaos (supplied)

Note: * Meet at corner of Wellington Square and Barnard Street to be guided to the venue