The Coming Back Out Ball Movie is an observational feature documentary that follows a group of older LGBTIQ+ people – who have been invited to attend a Ball celebrating their gender and sexual identity.
LGBTQIA+ seniors have been pioneers in many ways, beginning the fight for equality in an era when being queer could land you in jail, lose you your job or worse. But as they have aged, some started going back into the closet in nursing homes or when accessing aged-care services, owing to feeling unsafe in these environments.
Created by All The Queens Men, The Coming Back Out Ball was a glittering red-carpet evening to celebrate these pioneers and their achievements and to combat invisibility for LGBTIQ seniors. Hosted by cabaret legend Robyn Archer and with a guest list including Carlotta, Deborah Cheetham, Gerry Connolly (as the Queen) and a who’s who of Melbourne’s elder LGBTIQ community – it was a night to remember.
Faced with the complexities of ageing and isolation, these extraordinary people seize each day with determination and humour. In a world that is rapidly changing for the LGBTIQ+ community around the world, we witness some of our cast experiencing acceptance and love for the very first time in their lives.
The Coming Back Out Ball Movie is a record of Australian history, a dark past with a rainbow coloured future, told via a group of extraordinary people. Director Sue Thomson documents the process as All The Queens Men puts the event together and – most importantly – captures the stories of key elders being honoured at the Ball.
The resulting film is a life-affirming love letter to senior members of the ‘alphabet’ community, and to Melbourne, with an important message about the necessity of pride, acceptance, equality and dignity at all stages of life – and a whole lot of dancing!
The Coming Back Out Ball Movie screens at selected cinemas nationally from Thursday 6 December 2018. For more information and screening locations, visit: for details. View the trailer here!
Image: The Coming Back Out Ball (production still) – photo by Bryony Jackson