Sydney Pride Festival launches Pride Month Celebrations: Compassion and Courage

Sydney Pride 2024 Compassion and CourageRunning to 30 June 2024, Sydney Pride Festival has launched Pride Month – celebrating the history, resilience and achievements of the LGBTQIA+ community.

This month long event aims to raise awareness, educate and support LGBTQIA+ charities, organisations, and businesses, while fostering compassion and courage with in the community and beyond.

This year, the Sydney Pride Festival places a special focus on compassion and courage, recognising the strength of individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community in the pursuit of acceptance and equality.

It’s a time to reach out and support those facing challenges related to sexual identity, bullying, substance abuse or mental health issues, reinforcing the message that no one should feel alone in their struggles.

“Pride Month is a time for us to come together as a community, to celebrate our diversity, and to advocate for the rights and acceptance of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, “said Glenn Hansen, co-ordinator of the Sydney Pride Festival. “Through compassion and courage, we can create a more inclusive and supportive society for everyone.”

The Sydney Pride Festival is a not-for-profit event that supports a wide range of LGTQIA+ charities, organizations and businesses. Throughout Pride Month a variety of events take place across Sydney, offering fun and affordable activities for everyone to enjoy. These events not only raise much needed funds for charity but also showcase the vibrancy and achievements of the LGBTQIA+ community.

As we commemorate Pride Month, it’s essential to remember the Stonewall Riots and the beginning of the gay liberation movement. Pride Month honours those who fought for equality and human rights in 1969 and acknowledges the courage of those who participated in the first Sydney Mardi Gras in 1978.

Throughout Pride Month the Sydney Pride Festival will feature a diverse range of events including art exhibitions, film screenings, trivia nights, debates, sports events, fundraising activities and club events across Sydney. The festival extends its gratitude to volunteers, event organizers, sponsors, the LGBTQIA+ community and allies for their ongoing support and dedication.

For more information about the Sydney Pride Month and its full program of events, visit for details.

Image: Celebrate compassion and courage this Pride Month