An online solo show that follows Silvio Di Baci, an Italian Stallion from the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne who is unlucky in love, Wooing People in Isolation will be presented as part of Melbourne Fringe’s Digital program from 19 – 21 November 2020.
The plot follows Silvio’s quest in finding love from the comfort of his (and your) home. Will he humiliate himself, finally find his true love or reconcile with his best friend Matteo? All we know is that the answer will be revealed live!
An true ode to Italian Stallions, Greasers, and Best Friends, Silvio Di Baci has been a crowd favourite at Club Voltaire, Pride of Our Footscray and Kong’s Kings.
Inspired by his background and the theatrical style of Commedia Dell’Arte Silvio started performing in 2017. His first show Silvio & Matteo premiered at MUST’s Cabaret Festival and led to Silvio joining the cabaret circuit around Melbourne.
During COVID-19, Silvio has produced his own radio show Wooing People in Isolation and gained international attention performing virtually in Orlando, Seattle and Toronto.
Wooing People In Isolation is the daggiest and draggiest show in Melbourne that will melt your heart and is guaranteed to make you laugh!
Wooing People in Isolation
Melbourne Fringe – Digital Fringe
Performances: 19 – 21 November 2020
Information and Bookings:
Image: Silvio Di Baci (supplied)