Cabaret and comedy combust thanks to the humorous escapades of cheeky comedy duo Jonathan Duffy and Dean Arcuri with their modern-day survival guide to fun, flamboyance and feathers.
These boys are the chalk and cheese of the Melbourne gay scene from North-Gay to South-Gay; single to half way down the isle, leather n lashes, and beer n champagne – they come together for 3 nights only to find out who will be the last gay standing!
Confounded by the hashtag haze of a world we live in? Enter the domain of the professional homosexual where no one’s safe & everything’s shines brighter in a modern day tweet-tastrophy of skits, songs & stand-up.
If it glitters, sparkles, shines bright or can fit into a pair of chaps, then this odd couple is the experts. The clock is ticking and the 140 character countdown’s begun – the only way to survive is to hold onto your smartphone and tweet for your life!
The 86 – 185 Smith Street, Fitzroy
Season: 11 – 13 April 2014
Bookings: or at the door
For more information, visit: for details.
Image: Dean Arcuri and Jonathan Duffy