Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) has stepped up its campaign against a marriage equality plebiscite with a new webform that allows opponents of a plebiscite to write to their federal representatives.
“Our recent LGBTI community survey – the largest of its kind ever conducted – found overwhelming opposition to a plebiscite under any circumstances,” said PFLAG national spokesperson, Shelley Argent. “Our new webform gives this silent majority of LGBTI Australians a voice.” “The message to federal parliament will be to vote down a plebiscite.”
Earlier this month, a survey funded by PFLAG showed an overwhelming majority oppose a plebiscite under any circumstances including if it will be ‘fairly framed’ and has ‘a good chance of success’ (62.6%) or is the only way marriage equality can be achieved under this Government (57.8%).
When LGBTIQ people were asked what advocacy groups should focus on, more than 78.3% wanted them to stop a plebiscite and then work for a successful vote in parliament. Only 15.9% wanted advocacy groups to campaign for a “yes” vote.
“With a majority of senators publicly stating their opposition to a plebiscite there’s a very real chance we can stop this nonsense and put parliament back on track to a cross-party free vote,” said Long-time marriage equality advocate, Rodney Croome. “I urge every Australian who is concerned about the cost, damage and pointlessness of a plebiscite to send an email today.”
Emails will be delivered to the sender’s local MP and all Senators from their state. For more information, visit: for details.
Image: Shelley Argent