The Will To Be (updated)

Mark-Salvestro-The-Will-To-Be-photo-by-Sare-ClarkeThe Will To Be is an award-winning solo show by Mark Salvestro exploring queer history, societal shame and forbidden love in 1960s Australia, laced with the words of Shakespeare.

A University Office, 1962: homosexuality is illegal. Junior lecturer William O’Halloran has been dismissed from his probationary position. His secret is out.

As he packs up his beloved belongings, William recalls the defining decisions that have led him to this moment. But time is ticking away. His wife Lola is due to arrive any minute. And the curtain is soon to rise on the student union production of Romeo and Juliet.

Shakespeare’s tale of star-crossed lovers isn’t the only forbidden love story on campus. And the leading man knows this all too well…

“An absolute must see… an astounding piece of theatre.” – Australian Arts Review

Writer, Producer and Performer: Mark Salvestro | Co-Directors: Sarah Hallam, Phoebe Anne Taylor | Sound Design: Steve Carnell | Set Design: Carmody Nicol | Costume Design: Oliver Ross

The Will To Be
The Substation – Qtopia Sydney, 301 Forbes Street, Darlinghurst
Season: 3 – 6 July 2024

Image: Mark Salvestro presents The Will To Be – photo by Sare Clarke