New LGBTIQ Taskforce to Shape Victoria’s Equality Agenda

APN Rainbow FlagThe Victorian Government is moving forward with its equality agenda by appointing fresh new faces to the state’s LGBTIQ Taskforce.

Minister for Equality Martin Foley has announced five new appointments to the committee, with two existing members, Jamie Gardiner and Aram Hosie, being re-appointed for another term.

One of the graduates of the Government’s 2018 LGBTIQ Leadership program, Jayde de Bondt, takes over as Co-Chair from trans and gender diverse activist and elder Brenda Appleton. “The LGBTIQ Taskforce recognise there is still much work to achieve equality in Victoria, and is committed to working with our communities, organisations, and the Government to build a more equitable future,” said de Bondt.

Associate Professor Adam Bourne and Lifeworks Relationship Counselling and Education CEO Janet Jukes have been appointed on the Taskforce and as Co-Chairs of the Health and Human Services and Justice working groups respectively.

Journalist, author and theologian Abanob Saad and disability advocate Margherita Coppolino, round out the Taskforce. Associate members will also be sought from Aboriginal, intersex and regional and rural communities.

“We’re looking forward to working with this highly skilled group of experts and advocates who will help keep our equality agenda on track and ensure Victoria remains the equality state,” said Minister Foley.

Established in 2015, the Victorian LGBTIQ Taskforce plays a critical role working with the Government on LGBTIQ issues and supports equality through legislative reform, new policies and programs. The new members have an ambitious agenda for the next two years including providing advice on development of Victoria’s first LGBTIQ Strategy.

With input from LGBTIQ communities, the Strategy will set the Victorian Government’s equality agenda by establishing the whole of government direction and priority actions for supporting LGBTIQ Victorians. State-wide consultations are set to start shortly.

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